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How much does advertising on 92.3 fm Los Angeles cost?

Check out How much does possible price tariff ads on 92.3 FM Los Angeles radio advertising cost. Local advertisements in any part of L.A radio station commercial estimated average rate from $250.00 to $1,000.00 per 30 second commercial spot. Note : Individual radio station rates are not readily available. Our estimates are based on regional averages and may be very inaccurate. Advertising rate estimates are typically for a 30 second spot. Seasonal factors and volume discounts should also be considered. Contact the radio station's advertising department for an exact quote on their current rates. In some cases, our estimated rates may be significantly different from the actual current rates, so be sure to get your ad prices from the station before completing your budgeting. 2015 Radio Advertising Average CPM, Take note : This is not stable pricing list, this is estimated only. How much does rate a 30 second radio commercial advertising price cost? According past year data ...

Japan - High CPM AD Networks

Japan - High CPM AD Networks,

Most Largest Japan Advertising Online Network 2013 - List of Top Ad - Serving Companies run in Japan Territorial.

Ad:TechTokyo - World's largest, most diverse digital marketing AD event 2013. ad: tech is a global marketing conference, which has been held in major cities around the world. Ad:tech tokyo has grown into the largest international marketing conference in Asia. In 2016, the number of Brand Advertisers at conference marked a record high.

Yolinux - Advertising for Internet publishers. Lists of advertising networks (ad brokers). Internet Advertising Companies. Ad optimization. Ad exchanges. Methodologies for adding advertising to one's Linux Tutorials, Help, Documentation, and Information, Linux Information Portal includes informative tutorials and links to many Linux sites. Covers Linux topics from desktop to servers and from developers to users. Linux software development tutorials include topics on Java and C/C++.

Dentsu - (電通). Owned by Dentsu Inc., the largest advertising agency in Japan, and the fourth-largest world-wide. Dentsu has an enormous presence in television and other media, and has strong ties to the legislative branch of government.

Hakuhodo (博報堂). One of the largest Japanese advertising agency. Is a Japanese advertising and public relations company. It is headquartered at Akasaka Biz Tower in Akasaka, Minato, Tokyo.

ASATSU-DK - (アサツー ディ・ケイ). One of the largest Japanese advertising agency. Headquartered in the Toranomon Hills building complex in Minato, Tokyo since June 2014 the firm is Japan's.

i-Movad - Japanese high CPM adnetwork "i-movad", 100% transparent ad network is headquartered in San Francisco, a subsidiary of i-mobile which is the Japan largest ad network.

Japan Mobile Advertising Network,

AMoAd (by CyberAgent & DeNA), AMoAd is a Japanese mobile ad network that was formed in 2011 through a partnership between CyberAgent & DeNA. They own 51% and 49% of the company respectively, leveraging their joint audiences of Mobage (now just called DeNA), DeNA’s mobile social network, and Ameba, CyberAgent’s blogging and social networking platform.

Their payout for publications is NET30 with a minimum payout of 1000 Yen (while the industry average is 3000 Yen), and they also support various mobile SSPs such as Adstir, Fluct, adfurikun, and GMO SSP. Ad Sizes they support are across both Mobile Web and Apps of 320×50, 320×100, 300×250, 300×100, 728×90.

For adverisers, they can retarget across devices on Web & Apps on both iOS and Android. They also offer rich media and video banners, and even Playable units.

CA Reward (by CyberAgent), CA Reward is an iOS and Android Reward Network that is 100% owned by CyberAgent, Inc. Their main offering is a mobile Offerwall similar to that of Tapjoy. They’ve also integrated with other ad networks, for audience extension. Some of these include: Aarki, Adbrix, adPOPcorn, Adverster, Performance Revenues,, PublisherRev, Tabatoo by SOMOTO, Tracsion by bluTonic, WakeApp, and Xapads. (Advertisers Pricing Models here: ).

i-Mobile - Top mobile advertising network leading to the Japanese independent ad network. They have global reach beyond Japan and also serve ads on desktops, along with mobile devices.

They have access to over 93.5B impressions per month on both desktop and mobile devices (supposedly the largest reach in all of Japan), and 55B impressions on mobile, and can target by user characteristics such as platform, OS, carrier, and device.
Ad Units include interstitials and banners, with sizes such as 320×50, 320×100, and 300×250. For desktop, sizes include 468×60, 728×90, 120×600, 160×600, 200×200, 250×250, 300×250, 336×280, 300×600.

Founded: 2007.
Headquartered: Tokyo, Japan.
Pricing Models: CPC, CPA, CPI.
Install Tracking Integrations: MobileAppTracking by TUNE, Kochava, AppsFlyer, Apsalar.

Nend (by F@N Communications) nend is one of the highest (cost per acquisition)(cost per click)(cost per install) Japan’s top performing mobile ad platforms, with over 280,000+ publishers and access to 62B impressions per month. Targeting options include OS, Device, Gender, and Specific Keywords.

Pricing Models: CPA, CPC, CPI.
Install Tracking Integrations: AppFireworks, AppsFlyer, Apsalar, Kochava, MobileAppTracking by TUNE, Flurry, CAKE,

AdJapon - Owned by F@N Communications - AdJapon is one of Japan’s largest CPA, CPI, and CPC Ad Networks. They cover the entire gamut of offerings for advertisers, including consulting, marketing, campaign management, and localization.
Other geos outside of Japan they cover include North America, South America, Asia, China, EU, and the Middle East.

Founded: 2012.
Operated: Tokyo, Japan.
Pricing Models: CPI, CPA, CPM, CPL CPC, CPS, Pay-Per-Call, Revshare, ROAS.
Install Tracking Partners: HasOffers(MAT), Kochava, CAKE,, AppsFlyer, AppFireworks, Flurry, Apsalar, Flurry, Tapstream, CyberZ F.O.X, AdWays Party Tracker.

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