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How much does advertising on 92.3 fm Los Angeles cost?

Check out How much does possible price tariff ads on 92.3 FM Los Angeles radio advertising cost. Local advertisements in any part of L.A radio station commercial estimated average rate from $250.00 to $1,000.00 per 30 second commercial spot. Note : Individual radio station rates are not readily available. Our estimates are based on regional averages and may be very inaccurate. Advertising rate estimates are typically for a 30 second spot. Seasonal factors and volume discounts should also be considered. Contact the radio station's advertising department for an exact quote on their current rates. In some cases, our estimated rates may be significantly different from the actual current rates, so be sure to get your ad prices from the station before completing your budgeting. 2015 Radio Advertising Average CPM, Take note : This is not stable pricing list, this is estimated only. How much does rate a 30 second radio commercial advertising price cost? According past year data ...

Adsense High CPM Countries

Adsense high CPM countries to consider this country list of the effective type of strategy (technique) of online publishers, bloggers or content publishers to determine the highest paying revenue rate using advertising Adsense as sponsored ad-service to your blog or commercial website.

The team share on how to increase your income using Adsense publisher? Publishers need to target your content keywords those countries which have the highest pay per click rate and determine the lowest pay per click rate ads.

Adsense High CPM | CPC Countries

Adsense high paying category niche is very important to success in the online industry as content publisher of bloggers, publish your content with Adsense high revenue share. To become successful
simply write about incredibly unique topics like; law firm, donate, payments, lawyers, insurance and attorney to secure the best one content to increase Adsense high CPC, CPM ranking ads rate per click.

Adsense High RPM by Country

Many analysts have discovered that these trends exist across the border as well. Here is the list of top 5 countries with expected high average revenue per thousand impressions RPM Adsense.

1. Australia(AU) - $3 to $5

2.United States(US) - $4 to $7

3.Norway (NW) - $2

4.United Kingdom (UK) - $4 to $6

5. New Zealand (NZ) - $3 to $5

More About Adsense:

Adsense High Paying Keyword Value

Targeting Adsense high CPM countries,

Country Google Adsense High Per Click
  • USA
  • UK
  • Canada
  • Europe
  • Pacific
  • Australia
  • Asia
  • Japan
  • Africa
  • South Africa,
  • The Middle East
  • Israel
  • The United Arab Emirates
The above countries mentioned are the list of Adsense high CPM, CPC rates by a country that may help you success your goal to increase per click in Adsense online advertising. If you are getting more traffic from countries like the mentioned above, then you will be paid more revenue share every click of your Ads publishes on your blog or commercial website.

Lowest CPM countries,

  • China
  • The Philippines
  • Indonesia

Best AdNetwork Help Tips,

Read all the tips here and start working on your Ad inventory.Just remember:
  1. Always track your results on an Ad unit level
  2. Always try to optimize your Ad placements
  3. Always do 50:50 split tests for at least a few days to see which change works best
  4. Never stop optimizing
  5. Work on bringing in more traffic because traffic = money

Which Adsense ads pay the most?

In addition to picking the best niche for Adsense, you also have options as to which ad type to show. The options are: 1) text & display 2) matched content 3) in-feed and 4) in-article.

In my own experiments, I’ve found higher click-through rates with native in-article ads. Those ads perform the best on any of my sites.

The in-article ads will naturally blend with your content and display midway through your blog post. I like these types of ads because they are contextual and usually receive a good amount of clicks.

Sidebar ads are not as good since we are already trained to tune them out.

Bonus Keyword Industries/Niches

Here are other high paying keywords that you can target in your blog posts

  1. Treatment $37 CPC
  2. Software $35 CPC
  3. Classes $35 CPC
  4. Recovery $34 CPC
  5. Trading $33 CPC
  6. Rehab $33 CPC
  7. Hosting $31 CPC
  8. Transfer $29 CPC
  9. Cord Blood $27 CPC
  10. Claim $25 CPC

Which exact keywords pay the most CPC on Adsense?
If you are looking for exact top paying keywords such as mesothelioma which pays $1000+ per click, you can check out the list compiled of 1M+ adsense keywords by GrepWords here. For instance, they reported the ultimate top paying keyword “mesothelioma survival rates” at $1006.56 per click.

Here are a few of my favorite top paid keywords per industry found through SEMRush (data for 2017 and 2018):

Mesothelioma Keywords sorted by CPC,

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that lines the lungs, stomach, heart, and other organs, and unfortunately can’t be cured. Nevertheless, treatment can help reduce the pain. People that contracted mesothelioma did so at their jobs so that is why you see searches like “mesothelioma attorneys”, “mesothelioma law firms” and “mesothelioma compensation”.

This is a very competitive keyword set so unless you can outrank WebMD and MayoClinic, I suggest you look for other industries.

Keyword Volume KD CPC (USD) Competition Results
compensation mesothelioma 10 64.96 568.67 0.91 594,000
mesothelioma attorney houston 30 55.72 545.84 0.74 109,000
mesothelioma attorney california 10 55.3 390.08 0.86 223,000
mesothelioma compensation 110 64 326.85 0.84 596,000
pleural mesothelioma stages 90 71.76 318.44 0.93 148,000
mesothelioma lawyer directory 20 63.42 290.34 0.86 212,000
mesothelioma lawsuit settlements 110 61.8 276.44 0.85 139,000
statute of limitations on mesothelioma claims 90 53.98 274.07 0.82 64,000
lawyers for mesothelioma 40 58.43 265.92 0.86 537,000
mesothelioma settlement fund 40 59.3 257.12 0.82 262,000
*Competition of 1 means highly competitive.

Top Paying Keywords for the Lawyer Niche

Being a lawyer must be nice. You get to dress in a suit (which I love) and you also get to afford to spend exorbitant amounts of money for website traffic. Not too shabby.
Keyword Volume KD CPC (USD) Competition Results
car accident lawyer moreno valley 90 52.02 584.44 1 112,000
ft lauderdale car accident lawyer 10 48.18 566.17 1 267,000
auto accident lawyers in chicago 90 59.03 542.95 1 2,280,000
car accident lawyer ny 30 53.89 508.62 1 1,320,000
car accident lawyer in phoenix 20 55.27 504.53 0 1,070,000
california motorcycle accident lawyer 30 47.51 475.78 1 5,410,000
car accident lawyer augusta 90 44.3 463.71 1 416,000
car accident lawyer in fort lauderdale 50 47.13 462.97 1 1,110,000
personal injury lawyer ft lauderdale 10 43.06 429.36 1 860,000
dallas truck accident lawyer 90 49.67 426 1 721,000

Doctors keywords CPC Adsense

In this list you will find a mix of people looking for Physicians and people looking for a PhD program.
Keyword Volume KD CPC (USD) Com. Results
can you sue a doctor for wrong diagnosis 40 70.83 250.96 0 697,000
doctorate in security 70 74.61 189.19 1 25,000,000
doctor after car accident 40 60.59 136.95 1 29,200,000
doctors car insurance 10 66.17 128.46 1 3,100,000
car accident doctor atlanta 70 43.8 122.42 1 762,000
rehab doctors 210 59.77 118.49 0 22,900,000
business doctoral programs online 30 73.19 118.19 1 1,810,000
best doctoral programs in education 30 77.26 114.31 1 11,000,000
top online doctoral programs in business 10 71.32 112.46 1 995,000
educational leadership doctoral programs online 20 81.12 108.97 1 734,000

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