Check out How much does possible price tariff ads on 92.3 FM Los Angeles radio advertising cost. Local advertisements in any part of L.A radio station commercial estimated average rate from $250.00 to $1,000.00 per 30 second commercial spot. Note : Individual radio station rates are not readily available. Our estimates are based on regional averages and may be very inaccurate. Advertising rate estimates are typically for a 30 second spot. Seasonal factors and volume discounts should also be considered. Contact the radio station's advertising department for an exact quote on their current rates. In some cases, our estimated rates may be significantly different from the actual current rates, so be sure to get your ad prices from the station before completing your budgeting. 2015 Radio Advertising Average CPM, Take note : This is not stable pricing list, this is estimated only. How much does rate a 30 second radio commercial advertising price cost? According past year data ...
Good news to our valued pet lovers specially in cat , Insurance for animals specially in cats Cheap Pet Insurance. Cat online Ad rate is really helpful they pay from much more 70%
Revenue share top cat most Total Value $4,740.00 but your total spend is $3,200.00
Online Banner Advertising on the Urban Animal Front page rotation.

12 months $500.00
6 months $400.00
3 months $200.00
New advertisers get an automatic 20% savings for our 8th page ads (Horizontal only 100mm wide x 68mm high.
New advertisers get an automatic 20% savings for our 8th page ads (Horizontal only 100mm wide x 68mm high. For just $300 (a savings of $75.00) you get great positing for customers looking for local and nationally available products.
Platinum Advertising Package - A total of Four (4) Full Page Advertisements placed in each the March / June / September / December 2013 editions and receive Two (2) Free Quarter Page Advertisements to be placed within the edition of advertisers choice.
Plus online Banner Advertising for 6 months
Total Value $12,370.00 but your total spend $8,000.00
Gold Advertising Package - A total of Four (4) Half Page Advertisements placed in each the March / June / September / December 2013 editions and receive Two (2) Free Sixth Page Advertisements to be placed within the edition of advertisers choice.
Plus online Banner Advertising for 4 months
Total Value $8,800.00 but your total spend is $5,600.00
Gold Plus Advertising Package - A total of Four (4) Third Page Advertisements placed in each the March / June / September / December 2013 editions and receive One (1) Free Sixth Page Advertisement to be placed within the edition of advertisers choice.
Plus online Banner Advertising for 4 months
Total Value $5,900.00 but your total spend $3,840.00
Silver Advertising Package - (OUR MOST POPULAR PACKAGE) A total of (4) Quarter Page Advertisements placed in each the March / June / September / December 2013 editions and receive Two (2) Free Eighth Page Advertisements to be placed within the edition of advertisers choice
Plus online Banner Advertising for three months
Total Value $4,740.00 but your total spend is $3,200.00,
will be given preference to be in the first half of Urban Animal's publications - except for the 'Free' ads which will be placed with consideration to space and layout. For a Right Hand Page Guaranteed position all packages will insure a 10% loading fee as per our normal RHP Guaranteed positions. All invoices are payable within 14 days on invoice - no exceptions and no further discounts will be applicable. Ads cannot be split ie: A booked Full Page Advertisement cannot be split into 4 x Quarter Page Advertisements etc
**Urban Animal Front page rotation means that your banner ad will rotate with other banner advertisers.
Advertising opportunities
Because of our cross-media strategy of a free print 'on-the-street' & online presence, our advertisers will benefit from a synergy that attracts the greatest possible reach to a well-educated and affluent audience. Our magazine will be a great marketing mix for:
* Pet Food Manufacturers & Specialty Foods
* Pet Retailers and Pet Stores
* Healthcare & Nutrition Products
* Pet Toy & Specialty Products
* Veterinarians and Pet Health Providers
* Pet Boarding and Minding Services
* Pet Training/Exercise Services
* Pet Travel, Tourism and Transport
* Pet Grooming Services
* Animal Art & Photography
* Pet Fashion
* Pet Safety & Enclosures
* Pet Publications & Book Suppliers
* Pet Events & Entertainment
* Pet Insurance & Medical Plans
* Pet Accessories & Frivolities
Our advertising policy
We do not accept ads from pet junk food products-foods that are unhealthy or of dubious quality or questionable ingredients.
We do not accept ads for products or practices that can harm, cause pain or injury to animals or negatively affect them. This would include shock collars, electronic containment fences and dangerous toys or other products.
We do not accept ads from breeders of animals for sale-the 95% of good breeders don't need to advertise as they have waiting lists while the 5% of backyard breeders or puppy mills would use us for their overstocks.
We will only accept ads from pet shops that sell live animals that we have personally visited and we believe on inspection conform to the highest standards of pet care, marketing, warranty and responsible pet ownership education.
We do not do 'advertorial'. We do not trade products for advertising, run competitions, feature products, services or otherwise exchange editorial coverage as either a reward or inducement for advertising. And we don't discount-all advertisers big and small are on the same rates.
All ads appear in full colour in our tabloid size pages, printed on 65gsm LWC (light weight coated) paper (90gsm cover stock) by Hannan Print by heat set process. They also appear in full on our website embedded in all pages as PDFs.
Now being full colour gloss, cover-to-cover and Quatro (A4 magazine size) we have achieved an economy of scale and more cost-effective printing rates which allow us to pass on savings to our ad clients. Due to our increased number of advertisers, no discounts, side deals or distressed ad rates,
Revenue share top cat most Total Value $4,740.00 but your total spend is $3,200.00
Online Banner Advertising on the Urban Animal Front page rotation.

12 months $500.00
6 months $400.00
3 months $200.00
New advertisers get an automatic 20% savings for our 8th page ads (Horizontal only 100mm wide x 68mm high.
New advertisers get an automatic 20% savings for our 8th page ads (Horizontal only 100mm wide x 68mm high. For just $300 (a savings of $75.00) you get great positing for customers looking for local and nationally available products.
Platinum Advertising Package - A total of Four (4) Full Page Advertisements placed in each the March / June / September / December 2013 editions and receive Two (2) Free Quarter Page Advertisements to be placed within the edition of advertisers choice.
Plus online Banner Advertising for 6 months
Total Value $12,370.00 but your total spend $8,000.00
Gold Advertising Package - A total of Four (4) Half Page Advertisements placed in each the March / June / September / December 2013 editions and receive Two (2) Free Sixth Page Advertisements to be placed within the edition of advertisers choice.
Plus online Banner Advertising for 4 months
Total Value $8,800.00 but your total spend is $5,600.00
Gold Plus Advertising Package - A total of Four (4) Third Page Advertisements placed in each the March / June / September / December 2013 editions and receive One (1) Free Sixth Page Advertisement to be placed within the edition of advertisers choice.
Plus online Banner Advertising for 4 months
Total Value $5,900.00 but your total spend $3,840.00
Silver Advertising Package - (OUR MOST POPULAR PACKAGE) A total of (4) Quarter Page Advertisements placed in each the March / June / September / December 2013 editions and receive Two (2) Free Eighth Page Advertisements to be placed within the edition of advertisers choice
Plus online Banner Advertising for three months
Total Value $4,740.00 but your total spend is $3,200.00,
will be given preference to be in the first half of Urban Animal's publications - except for the 'Free' ads which will be placed with consideration to space and layout. For a Right Hand Page Guaranteed position all packages will insure a 10% loading fee as per our normal RHP Guaranteed positions. All invoices are payable within 14 days on invoice - no exceptions and no further discounts will be applicable. Ads cannot be split ie: A booked Full Page Advertisement cannot be split into 4 x Quarter Page Advertisements etc
**Urban Animal Front page rotation means that your banner ad will rotate with other banner advertisers.
Advertising opportunities
Because of our cross-media strategy of a free print 'on-the-street' & online presence, our advertisers will benefit from a synergy that attracts the greatest possible reach to a well-educated and affluent audience. Our magazine will be a great marketing mix for:
* Pet Food Manufacturers & Specialty Foods
* Pet Retailers and Pet Stores
* Healthcare & Nutrition Products
* Pet Toy & Specialty Products
* Veterinarians and Pet Health Providers
* Pet Boarding and Minding Services
* Pet Training/Exercise Services
* Pet Travel, Tourism and Transport
* Pet Grooming Services
* Animal Art & Photography
* Pet Fashion
* Pet Safety & Enclosures
* Pet Publications & Book Suppliers
* Pet Events & Entertainment
* Pet Insurance & Medical Plans
* Pet Accessories & Frivolities
Our advertising policy
We do not accept ads from pet junk food products-foods that are unhealthy or of dubious quality or questionable ingredients.
We do not accept ads for products or practices that can harm, cause pain or injury to animals or negatively affect them. This would include shock collars, electronic containment fences and dangerous toys or other products.
We do not accept ads from breeders of animals for sale-the 95% of good breeders don't need to advertise as they have waiting lists while the 5% of backyard breeders or puppy mills would use us for their overstocks.
We will only accept ads from pet shops that sell live animals that we have personally visited and we believe on inspection conform to the highest standards of pet care, marketing, warranty and responsible pet ownership education.
We do not do 'advertorial'. We do not trade products for advertising, run competitions, feature products, services or otherwise exchange editorial coverage as either a reward or inducement for advertising. And we don't discount-all advertisers big and small are on the same rates.
Advertising costs, shapes & sizes,
All ads appear in full colour in our tabloid size pages, printed on 65gsm LWC (light weight coated) paper (90gsm cover stock) by Hannan Print by heat set process. They also appear in full on our website embedded in all pages as PDFs.
Now being full colour gloss, cover-to-cover and Quatro (A4 magazine size) we have achieved an economy of scale and more cost-effective printing rates which allow us to pass on savings to our ad clients. Due to our increased number of advertisers, no discounts, side deals or distressed ad rates,