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How much does advertising on 92.3 fm Los Angeles cost?

Check out How much does possible price tariff ads on 92.3 FM Los Angeles radio advertising cost. Local advertisements in any part of L.A radio station commercial estimated average rate from $250.00 to $1,000.00 per 30 second commercial spot. Note : Individual radio station rates are not readily available. Our estimates are based on regional averages and may be very inaccurate. Advertising rate estimates are typically for a 30 second spot. Seasonal factors and volume discounts should also be considered. Contact the radio station's advertising department for an exact quote on their current rates. In some cases, our estimated rates may be significantly different from the actual current rates, so be sure to get your ad prices from the station before completing your budgeting. 2015 Radio Advertising Average CPM, Take note : This is not stable pricing list, this is estimated only. How much does rate a 30 second radio commercial advertising price cost? According past year data ...

Banner CPM Ad Rates

All in Banner CPM Advertising Rate according to their defferrent types of banner campaign cost.

America's academic enterprise -- which spends $275-billion a year -- buys a large array of products and services, from computers to pension plans. The SiteAdWiki is the best way to reach that market. It offers the largest paid circulation, the most informed and active readership, and the strongest editorial content.

Corporate Advertiser Rates
300×250, 336×280 square banner and 728×90 leaderboard


20,000 - 199,999


200,000 - 299,999


300,000 - 399,999


400,000 +


Minimum purchase is 20,000 impressions

•  *CPM stands for "cost per thousand"
•  Banner advertising rates are based on cost per thousand ad impressions
•  E-mail newsletter rates are based on a flat rate per insertion
•  For targeted banner placement, add $5 to the CPM per targeting element
•  For targeted banner placement in Today’s News or Technology, add $20 to the CPM
•  All rates quoted are gross. The SiteAdWiki offers a 15% agency discount to recognized advertising agencies

Classified SiteAds | Youtube CPM

Top Online CPM Site |Average CPM Rate | TribalFusion CPM Rate

Contextual Ad Network | Video Ad Network | Rich Media Ad Network,

Nonprofit Notification Banner Rates

The Chronicle welcomes the advertising of nonprofit associations and institutions for calls for papers, conferences, degree programs, fellowships, grants, institutes, awards, seminars, and workshops. The nonprofit notification rates apply only to such advertising. If your organization is tax-exempt and your advertisement does not fit into one of these categories, please see the corporate advertising rates.

Nonprofit Notification Banner Rates
300×250, 336×280 square banner and 728×90 leaderboard


20,000 - 199,999


200,000 - 299,999


300,000 - 399,999


400,000 +


Minimum purchase is 20,000 impressions

•  *CPM stands for "cost per thousand"
•  Banner advertising rates are based on cost per thousand ad impressions
•  E-mail newsletter rates are based on a flat rate per insertion
•  For targeted banner placement, add $5 to the CPM per targeting element
•  For targeted banner placement in Today’s News or Technology, add $20 to the CPM
•  All rates quoted are gross. The SiteAdWiki offers a 15% agency discount to recognized advertising agencies

Book and Journal Banner Rates

Higher-education professionals buy more books than any other group of consumers. They also influence what more than 14 million students read and buy each year. SiteAdWiki subscribers buy an average of 34 books per year, and almost half select or recommend books for acquisition by their library or institution. We offer special discounted rates exclusively for publishers who wish to reach these active readers. The book and journal rates apply only to such advertising.

Book and Journal Rates
300×250, 336×280 square banner and 728×90 leaderboard


20,000 - 199,999


200,000 - 299,999


300,000 - 399,999


400,000 +


Minimum purchase is 20,000 impressions

•  *CPM stands for "cost per thousand"
•  Banner advertising rates are based on cost per thousand ad impressions
•  E-mail newsletter rates are based on a flat rate per insertion
•  For targeted banner placement, add $5 to the CPM per targeting element
•  For targeted banner placement in Today’s News or Technology, add $20 to the CPM
•  All rates quoted are gross. The SiteAdWiki offers a 15% agency discount to recognized advertising agencies

AAUP Member Banner Rates

These rates apply only to advertisements for books and journals from members of the American Association of University Presses (AAUP).

AAUP Rates
300×250 square banner


20,000 - 199,999


200,000 - 299,999


300,000 - 399,999


400,000 +


Minimum purchase is 20,000 impressions

•  *CPM stands for "cost per thousand"
•  Banner advertising rates are based on cost per thousand ad impressions
•  E-mail newsletter rates are based on a flat rate per insertion
•  For targeted banner placement, add $5 to the CPM per targeting element
•  For targeted banner placement in Today’s News or Technology, add $20 to the CPM
•  All rates quoted are gross. The SiteAdWiki offers a 15% agency discount to recognized advertising agencies

E-mail Newsletter Rates

The SiteAdWiki publishes nine e-mail newsletters -- Academe Today, Afternoon Update, Weekly Briefing, SiteAdWiki Review, Community College, On Hiring, Graduate Students, Global, and Wired Campus. All recipients of The SiteAdWiki e-mail newsletters have requested to receive the newsletter, so you can be assured that your ad will be seen by active, interested readers.

E-mail Newsletter


 Full Run Flat Rate


Academe Today – Position 1



Buy 5 get 20% discount

Academe Today – Position 2



Buy 5 get 20% discount

Afternoon Update



Buy 5 get 20% discount

Chronicle Review– Position 1



Buy 5 get 20% discount

SiteAdWiki Review– Position 2



Buy 5 get 20% discount

Community College – Position 1



Buy 5 get 20% discount

Community College – Position 2



Buy 5 get 20% discount

The Global Newsletter



Buy 5 get 20% discount

Graduate Student



Buy 5 get 20% discount

On Hiring



Buy 5 get 20% discount

Weekly Briefing



Buy 5 get 20% discount

Wired Campus



Buy 5 get 20% discount

Rates quoted on this page apply only to corporate clients running advertising for products and services and nonprofit associations and institutions advertising conferences, calls for papers, announcements fellowships, degree programs, grants, institutes, awards, seminars, and workshops. These rates do not apply to colleges and universities (nonprofit) and nonprofit organizations placing image advertising.

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