Check out How much does possible price tariff ads on 92.3 FM Los Angeles radio advertising cost. Local advertisements in any part of L.A radio station commercial estimated average rate from $250.00 to $1,000.00 per 30 second commercial spot. Note : Individual radio station rates are not readily available. Our estimates are based on regional averages and may be very inaccurate. Advertising rate estimates are typically for a 30 second spot. Seasonal factors and volume discounts should also be considered. Contact the radio station's advertising department for an exact quote on their current rates. In some cases, our estimated rates may be significantly different from the actual current rates, so be sure to get your ad prices from the station before completing your budgeting. 2015 Radio Advertising Average CPM, Take note : This is not stable pricing list, this is estimated only. How much does rate a 30 second radio commercial advertising price cost? According past year data ...
In calculating about RPM against CPM, First you need to know that RPM is Revenue per Impression and CPM is Cost per Impression, Their fore the conclusion is RPM is much better than CPM.
RPM is your total sales per impression you've got while CPM is not yet the total sales you earn on that impression because of different adnetwork agencies publishers sharing profits of whole cpm bids it will divided yet into 2 either 60% adnetworks and 40% publishers.
see for instance:
When you are paid by CPM you're getting paid by impressions (most likely fractional cents per each one) based on 1000 impressions & not by someone actually clicking on an ad. In adsense those earnings are shown separately in the Performance Reports / Bid Types.
The RPM shown in all of the reports are how much you are already actually earning per impression based on 1000 impressions regardless if you are getting paid for impressions and/or clicks & no matter if you are actually getting 1000 or more ad impressions or not. RPM is current total earnings divided by current ad request or page view (depends on what report you're looking at) times 1000.
Since advertisements are not displayed in even bundles of 1000-impressions, all impressions served on your site, regardless of the bid type, are combined and averaged in your reporting to show your effective RPM (Revenue per-1000-impressions).
CPM is an industry-wide term that refers to impression based bids by the advertisers. Whereas, RPM is an AdSense-only term used to report your actual impression-based revenue.
The other reason that Google reports to publishers on a RPM basis and not CPM is they don’t actually sell all their ads on a CPM rate. Most Google Ads are sold on a CPC rate (Cost Per Click) some are CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) both of which put all the risk on the publisher to have the advertising perform, i.e. they are focused on Direct Response Advertisers looking for conversions. So if you run Google Ads and don’t get a click you won’t earn any revenue. Not really fair is it ?.
Usually RPM or Revenue per thousand impressions, Revenue Per Mille - (Mille means “thousand” in Latin. Basically “Revenue per 1000 impressions” of a webpage. It’s much easier to think of it as a Page Rate. Clearly if you have 4 ads on a webpage your RPM will be higher than if you just have 2.
RPM doesn’t represent how much you have actually earned; rather, it’s calculated by dividing your estimated earnings by the number of page views, impressions, or queries you received, then multiplying by 1000.
RPM Rate = (Estimated earnings / Number of page views) * 1000.

For example, a publisher has a website that gets 5,000 page views each day. If the advertisements on the website generate a total of $25.00 of daily revenue, the website has an RPM of $5.00 ($25 ? 5). Web publishers use RPM as a way of measuring how effective advertisements are at generating revenue. If certain advertisements generate a low RPM, publishers will likely switch to different ads that provide higher RPM rates and higher revenue. RPM is not only used in online advertising, but is measured in several other types of advertising mediums as well.
Though it somewhat confusing, RPM and CPM are often interchangeably. While CPM stands for "Cost Per 1,000 Impressions," it is commonly used synonymously with RPM to describe the average revenue from the publisher's perspective.
In calculating about RPM against CPM, First you need to know that RPM is Revenue per Impression and CPM is Cost per Impression, Their fore the conclusion is RPM is much better than CPM.
RPM is your total sales per impression you've got while CPM is not yet the total sales you earn on that impression because of different adnetwork agencies publishers sharing profits of whole cpm bids it will divided yet into 2 either 60% adnetworks and 40% publishers.
see for instance:
When you are paid by CPM you're getting paid by impressions (most likely fractional cents per each one) based on 1000 impressions & not by someone actually clicking on an ad. In adsense those earnings are shown separately in the Performance Reports / Bid Types.
The RPM shown in all of the reports are how much you are already actually earning per impression based on 1000 impressions regardless if you are getting paid for impressions and/or clicks & no matter if you are actually getting 1000 or more ad impressions or not. RPM is current total earnings divided by current ad request or page view (depends on what report you're looking at) times 1000.
What’s the difference between AdSense CPM and RPM?
Advertisers set the CPC (Cost-per-click) and CPM (Cost per-1000-impressions) price they want to pay for your Advertisement Space. Understanding CPC is quite easy as it is the price an advertiser pays each time a user clicks an ad. But when it comes on impression based pay, AdSense doesn’t use CPM in their Reporting. Why?Since advertisements are not displayed in even bundles of 1000-impressions, all impressions served on your site, regardless of the bid type, are combined and averaged in your reporting to show your effective RPM (Revenue per-1000-impressions).
CPM is an industry-wide term that refers to impression based bids by the advertisers. Whereas, RPM is an AdSense-only term used to report your actual impression-based revenue.
Why do Google Report RPM and not CPM?
Google are sneaky and misleading; just try and find how hard it is to locate a CPM report within the Adsense Portal. As a rough rule, RPM will always be higher than CPM because it’s an aggregate of all the ad units on a page. Let’s say you have a RPM rate of $4.00 – but if you have a CPM rate of $1.00 per ad Unit. If you only have 2 units, then the CPM per unit will be $2. Remove the units of measure meant (i.e. RPM or CPM) and $4 is always going to sound better than $1 right?The other reason that Google reports to publishers on a RPM basis and not CPM is they don’t actually sell all their ads on a CPM rate. Most Google Ads are sold on a CPC rate (Cost Per Click) some are CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) both of which put all the risk on the publisher to have the advertising perform, i.e. they are focused on Direct Response Advertisers looking for conversions. So if you run Google Ads and don’t get a click you won’t earn any revenue. Not really fair is it ?.
Difference Between RPM and CPM,

RPM doesn’t represent how much you have actually earned; rather, it’s calculated by dividing your estimated earnings by the number of page views, impressions, or queries you received, then multiplying by 1000.
RPM Rate = (Estimated earnings / Number of page views) * 1000.
RPM Publishers,
Usually publisher’s language and they find out how their web property is performing. Page views keep changing but RPM for a website in a specific industry and with a specific audience fairly remains constant over a period of 6 months to a year. A health niche website may have a higher RPM and a cine gossip entertainment website may have a relatively low RPM compared to the health website.Most Relevance: Provides information about health news, healthy lifestyle, weight loss secrets and other home medical remedy.
RPM Standard Calculation,
The publisher may charge the advertiser on clicks basis but still can measure the effectiveness of each ad campaign on RPM.
Revenue Per Mille Calculation Overview,
Advertiser A pays $1 per click. On running the ad, it generated 25 clicks on 20,000 page views. It means that for 20,000 page views, the publisher earned $25 (25 clicks x $1 per click). The RPM would be:
($25/20,000) x 1000 = $1.25
Advertiser B pays $2 per click. On running the ad, it generated 15 clicks on 25,000 page views. Total earnings is now $30.
($30/25,000) x 1000 = $1.20
In the above example we can easily make out that Advertiser A performs better because the RPM is higher!.
How to Use the RPM Advertising,
- As a publisher, you should always try to increase your RPM every quarter. This makes your web property more valuable. If your current RPM is $2, set a target of $2.50 and find out opportunities to recruit advertisers. This is the CPM rate you should present to the advertisers and sell your ad inventory by communicating the benefits of advertising in your web content property.
Top Online CPM Site |Average CPM Rate | TribalFusion CPM Rate |
- If you earned an estimated $0.15 from 25 page views, then your page RPM would equal ($0.15 / 25) * 1000, or $6.00.
- If you earned an estimated $180 from 45,000 ad impressions, your ad RPM would equal ($180 / 45,000) * 1000, or $4.00.
How Does Revenue Share to Publisher,
Stands for "Revenue Per 1,000 Impressions." RPM is similar to CPM, but measures the revenue from 1,000 ads impressions instead of the cost of the ads. Therefore, while CPM is typically measured by advertisers, RPM is monitored by publishers.For example, a publisher has a website that gets 5,000 page views each day. If the advertisements on the website generate a total of $25.00 of daily revenue, the website has an RPM of $5.00 ($25 ? 5). Web publishers use RPM as a way of measuring how effective advertisements are at generating revenue. If certain advertisements generate a low RPM, publishers will likely switch to different ads that provide higher RPM rates and higher revenue. RPM is not only used in online advertising, but is measured in several other types of advertising mediums as well.
Though it somewhat confusing, RPM and CPM are often interchangeably. While CPM stands for "Cost Per 1,000 Impressions," it is commonly used synonymously with RPM to describe the average revenue from the publisher's perspective.