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How much does advertising on 92.3 fm Los Angeles cost?

Check out How much does possible price tariff ads on 92.3 FM Los Angeles radio advertising cost. Local advertisements in any part of L.A radio station commercial estimated average rate from $250.00 to $1,000.00 per 30 second commercial spot. Note : Individual radio station rates are not readily available. Our estimates are based on regional averages and may be very inaccurate. Advertising rate estimates are typically for a 30 second spot. Seasonal factors and volume discounts should also be considered. Contact the radio station's advertising department for an exact quote on their current rates. In some cases, our estimated rates may be significantly different from the actual current rates, so be sure to get your ad prices from the station before completing your budgeting. 2015 Radio Advertising Average CPM, Take note : This is not stable pricing list, this is estimated only. How much does rate a 30 second radio commercial advertising price cost? According past year data ...

Standard United States Cpm Rate Advertising

United States standard advertising price rate has different types of minimum category  rates and average cost percentage specially in American countries like USA, Online Entrepreneurs knew that the most high CPM's or cost per impressions rate are top 50 countries belongs in United States area. This is definitely the most highest buyer in online advertising industries.

Regular Calculation of Standard American Cpm Rate

Based on advertiser spend budget we only provide the minimum and standard ad rate review per revenue impressions across various channel in united states countries.
These calculation numbers are rough estimates when advertisers and publishers try to locate the possible cpm rate of their campaigns.

Disclaimer: The information about the standard advertising rate is not permanently pricing stable.

Online Research Goal on Average CPM Rate

Despite the difficulty in computing averages and establishing benchmarks, there are several data points we’ve assembled that hopefully shed some light on what types of CPMs sites are generating in 2014:
  • Average CPM for video ($24.60), mobile ($3.00), general display ($1.90), and premium display ($10.40) — Source: ZenithOptimadia
  • Estimated video eCPMs, for indirect, midtier, and premium sites — Source: Credit Suisse
  • Average CPMs to rise from $2.66 in 2012 to $4.68 by 2017 — Source: Forrester
  • General AdSense Benchmarks for generic, content rich, and product sites — Source: Webglide
  • DoubleClick Display Benchmark Tool — Source: DoubleClick
  • Estimated News CPM' s for , Forbes, USATODAY , Fox News , and more — Source: SiteAdWiki

Unites States Advertising Cpm Rate
AD TYPE Average Advertising Cpm rate
Radio $1.00 - $18.00
Online Banner $1.00 - $50.00, Rich Media $18.00 - $30.00,
 RTB $30.00 - 75.00, Targeted E-mail $5.00 - $15.00
Newspaper National $5 - $10, Local $15 - $45 Remnant Ads $2 - $4
Mobile App $1.40,  Facebook $0.32 , 
Video Minimum $0.80 - $7.00
Local Television Minimum $3.00 - $25.00
Cable Television Minimum $8.00 - $20
Billboard Minimum $2.00 - $5.00
Network Television Minimum $5.00 - $30.00
Social Facebook $0.85 - $4.00 , YouTube $1.00 - $8.00
United States Average CPC Rate
Radio Available
Online Game : $0.40 - $3.00
News : $0.20 - $6.00
Celebrity : $0.30 - $0.40
Computers : $0.10 - $0.45
Apps : $0.004 - $0.80
YouTube:  $0.04 - $2.00
Facebook : $ 0.70 - $1.20
Adsense: $0.01 - $12.00
Television Network - Not Applicable
Cable - Not Applicable
Local - Not Applicable
Regional - Not Applicable
International - Not Applicable
Newspaper Not Applicable
Mobile $0.20 - $1.80
Desktop $0.01 - $4.00
Billboard Not Applicable

As the CPC rate chart below indicates, the bid amounts can vary anywhere between $0.20 and $6.00 for displaying CPC ads on these high traffic web properties related to TV, magazines and newspapers. The bids are likely to go up during events like holidays, elections.

Top 17 Biggest United States News Websites CPC Bid Rate

  1. Home Page $1.50-5.51
  2. $3.00-4.03
  3. $3.00-6.02
  4. Home Page $1.00-6.54
  5. $0.50-3.12
  6. ABC News - Home Page $1.00-4.03
  7. ABC News - Technology $0.40-1.53
  8. $0.40-2.21
  9. Los Angeles Times $0.40-2.16
  10. Home Page $0.75-3.25
  11. $0.50-1.30
  12. $3.00-4.00
  13. $3.00-4.00
  14. $0.75-1.68
  15. $0.75-4.54
  16. Seattle Times Tech $0.30-2.34
  17. Houston Chronicle $1.00-2.26
The above calculation numbers are a good ads indication of ongoing advertising rates for content targeted ads, They nowhere match the high rates of keyword targeted ads.

High CPC Keywords,

Some keywords like "Student Loans", "Mesothelioma" or "tax attorney" are known to cost advertisers in excess of $20.00 per click.

United States Mobile Business CPC Rate
Business Type Cost Per Click Rate
Services Marketing - $ 2.50 - $8.00
SEO - $3.00 - $15.00
Advertising - $ 15.00 - $22.00
Retail eCommerce - $ 1.70 - $2.50
Businesses All Business Type - $0.70 - $1.50

(Source) Statistics & Facts on the U.S. Advertising Industry

The United States is, by far, the largest advertising market in the world. In 2015, more than 180 billion U.S. dollars were spent in advertising in the United States. This figure is more than double the amount spent in advertising in China, the second largest ad market in the world. Forecasts show healthy projections for the ad market in the U.S. for 2016, as media advertising spending is expected to reach the 200 billion U.S. dollars mark this year. Television has been the biggest advertising medium in the United States in the last few years, and is projected to maintain the market lead in 2016. TV advertising revenue is forecast to grow from 71 billion U.S. dollars in 2015 to around 75 billion U.S. dollars in 2016.

As Americans TV viewing habits have changed over the last few years, the TV ad market has been naturally adapting to these new ways of consuming TV. Primetime TV advertising has been one of the main pillars of TV ads in terms of revenue; yet only 18 percent of TV viewers in the U.S. watch the commercials during primetime shows. Advertisers still invest in television, but they are using different strategies to reach its public, as they turn to live TV for a wider reach or have a better integration between TV ads with other platforms. Online TV advertising is another alternative to this changing market; the medium accounted for an estimated of four percent of TV advertising revenue in the U.S. in 2015.

Television ad spending, however, is projected to lose its top position in the industry soon. Digital advertising spending has seen an unprecedented growth in the last few years, and is expected to become the biggest ad medium in the U.S. by 2017 already. Digital advertising spending is forecast to increase from nearly 50 billion U.S. dollars in 2014 to around 67 billion U.S. dollars in 2016. Display formats, such as video, sponsorships, rich media and banners, are the most popular formats in digital advertising in the U.S. In terms of devices, mobiles are the biggest bet of digital advertisers. In 2015, mobile advertising spending was already higher than desktop spending; this gap is projected to increase even further in 2016.

Parallel to television and digital advertising, more traditional mediums for advertising, such as radio, magazine, outdoor and newspaper, have seen their market share decrease in the last few years, as advertisers turn to other types of media. Together, these four mediums are forecast to account for 25 percent of all advertising spending in the U.S. in 2016, a significant decrease from the 2010 figure, then radio, magazine, outdoor and newspaper held nearly 40 percent of the share. Despite this decline, these mediums are still relevant for the industry, and both radio advertising and cinema advertising spending are projected to slightly increase in 2016.

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