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How much does advertising on 92.3 fm Los Angeles cost?

Check out How much does possible price tariff ads on 92.3 FM Los Angeles radio advertising cost. Local advertisements in any part of L.A radio station commercial estimated average rate from $250.00 to $1,000.00 per 30 second commercial spot. Note : Individual radio station rates are not readily available. Our estimates are based on regional averages and may be very inaccurate. Advertising rate estimates are typically for a 30 second spot. Seasonal factors and volume discounts should also be considered. Contact the radio station's advertising department for an exact quote on their current rates. In some cases, our estimated rates may be significantly different from the actual current rates, so be sure to get your ad prices from the station before completing your budgeting. 2015 Radio Advertising Average CPM, Take note : This is not stable pricing list, this is estimated only. How much does rate a 30 second radio commercial advertising price cost? According past year data ...

Latest Top Global Ad Network Platforms

Quancast released the top list global ad network solution for digital advertising has expanded globally in different digital platforms of advertising targeting United State country, Aside from Google Adnetwork and Yahoo Ad network this are the top 20 U.S alternative adsense advertising network.

Rubicon Project - Rubicon Project (NYSE: RUBI) has engineered the Advertising Automation Cloud, one of the largest real-time cloud and Big Data computing systems. The Company's mission is to automate the buying and selling of advertising by offering innovative products to connect buyers and sellers globally.

The Top Global Ad Networks and Platforms Alternative List

  1. Rubicon Project
  2. OpenX Ad Exchange
  3. AdBlade
  4. SOVM
  5. SpotExchange Video Advertising Platform
  6. GumGum Advertising PLatform
  7. WebSpectator
  8. BurstMedia
  9. Ad4Game
  10. Engage:BDR
  11. Bidvertiser
  12. Darcher Media
  13. Auto Acess
  14. Federated Media
  15. AnyClip Media
  16. UnderDog Media
  17. J Carter Marketing
  18. Game Advertising Online
  19. IDG Technetwork
  20. AdKama

Why Quancast Relevance of this Report?

Quantcast is a leading technology and real-time advertising company, today released a list of the top 20 global ad networks and platforms with public Quantcast Measure profiles. At the top of the list was Rubicon Project, with a reach of 544 million people globally in October.

It includes representation across the advertising ecosystem, from ad exchanges, such as OpenX, to platforms focused on specialized ad units, such as GumGum.

"The Top Global Ad Networks and Platforms List provides insight into the makeup of the global online advertising ecosystem and the power that Quantcast Measure brings to ad networks and platforms for validation and demonstration of their audience composition and reach," said Jag Duggal, senior vice president of Product Management for Quantcast. "At the top of the list are supply-side platforms and ad-exchange platforms that connect buyers and sellers globally."

"Premium publishers and Web applications are increasingly adopting advertising automation technology to help them reach audiences globally," commented Gregory R. Raifman, president, Rubicon Project. "Ranking No. 1 on the Quantcast list is proof that Rubicon Project is the top choice for those who seek unprecedented global reach and scale."

Adblade, a content advertising platform, also lands in the top five, demonstrating the wide adoption of content-based advertising. Ash Nashed, founder and CEO of Adblade, commented: "Quantcast has been a very valuable tool for us over the years and has helped us demonstrate our rapid audience growth and quality to both advertisers and publishers across the U.S. and worldwide."

Online video is represented by SpotXchange and AnyClip, both video advertising platforms.
Ad networks continue to play an important role: J Carter Marketing, engage:BDR and IDG TechNetwork are just a few examples that appear in the top 20.

The Top Global Ad Networks and Platforms List demonstrates how the infrastructure for digital advertising has expanded globally. Nine of the 20 entities reached the majority of their audiences outside of the U.S. Using Quantcast Measure, ad networks and platforms can track their global reach, as well as gain insight into their audience composition.

The Top Global Ad Networks and Platforms List draws from ad networks and platforms that are directly measured by Quantcast Measure and have chosen to share their traffic profile publicly. Entities are ranked by their global 30-day people number, which is a modeled number that represents the unduplicated audience reach across an entity's Web and mobile Web properties.

The Top Global Ad Networks and Platforms List only includes entities that work with third-party publishers to monetize their inventory with advertising. Publishers that sell advertising, but exclusively against their owned and operated properties, are not included.


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