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How much does advertising on 92.3 fm Los Angeles cost?

Check out How much does possible price tariff ads on 92.3 FM Los Angeles radio advertising cost. Local advertisements in any part of L.A radio station commercial estimated average rate from $250.00 to $1,000.00 per 30 second commercial spot. Note : Individual radio station rates are not readily available. Our estimates are based on regional averages and may be very inaccurate. Advertising rate estimates are typically for a 30 second spot. Seasonal factors and volume discounts should also be considered. Contact the radio station's advertising department for an exact quote on their current rates. In some cases, our estimated rates may be significantly different from the actual current rates, so be sure to get your ad prices from the station before completing your budgeting. 2015 Radio Advertising Average CPM, Take note : This is not stable pricing list, this is estimated only. How much does rate a 30 second radio commercial advertising price cost? According past year data ...

6 Biggest Video Platform High Monetization Rates 2015

The best guide to video bloggers, article publishers, or any online entrepreneur, who are searching alternative from article monetization base to video monetization.

Is this possible? Yes, It is, The countries latest advertising and video monetizing tips report that video monetization platforms are growing in numbers from YouTube to Vimeo, from Facebook to Instagram.

Entrepreneurs well are able to upload and monetize, market, popularized campaign through video social sites with any kinds of these platforms,

Who's Highest Monetization rates?.

There are 3 several ways to earn revenue through videos method

  1. Market with them. When you market with your videos, you use them to increase your online presence, promote your products and services, promote affiliate products and services, and so on.
  2. Monetize videos through ads. YouTube’s pre-roll ads, for instance, earn you cash when people click on the ads.
  3. Sell your videos. Amazon allows you to upload videos to sell to people as products through their online storefront. And Vimeo lets you create a paywall around premium video content.

Possible calculation of video monetization rates,

The ad income will vary drastically based on who is viewing your content and if you can have your inventory direct sold or if you're using google to fill it and if you have an MCN taking a cut, etc.

But let's break it down: ADS

Let’s assume you're part of an MCN, and you're getting a $5 CPM (probably likely). YouTube takes 45% off the top, and then you have to give a percentage to your MCN (let's say 25%). Here's how that would break out:

$5.00 CPM
$5.00 CPM x 55% to channel (after 45% goes to YouTube) = $2.75
45% of views are monetized ~ $1.24 (odds are most of your views won't have ads)
25% goes to MCN ~ $1.15
Total to creator ~ $1.15 per thousand views

YouTube – This is a must-have. You can make money with YouTube several ways:

  • Run pre-roll ads. Not everyone can monetize with ads, though. You need an audience that’s a certain size. And, even then, it can be difficult to earn really big bucks, unless you’re an online celebrity.
  • Sell your own products or affiliate products. This is a common strategy that can get you more money, even if you don’t have the traffic to earn through ads. Include product links in the video itself, in the video description, and talk about products in the video content.
  • Drive traffic down your sales funnel. Get people to subscribe to your channel, opt-in to email lists, and so forth. This is a necessary step for any video marketer.
  • YouTube Trueview CPC/CPM Rate. Trueview ads - TrueView in-stream video ads - is a full video advertisement in youtube usually it appears before the final video is playing.
  • Youtube Partner Monetize Estimated Revenue. YouTube Monetization rates - There's an extraordinary amount of ad revenue rates YouTube hype, Around the topic of making money from YouTube you should know youtube average monetization rates.
  • YouTube High CPM Countries. To get High CPM,RPM in YouTube you must Target your video Audience in high CPM Countries.

Vimeo – Vimeo has a strict no-ad policy. Instead, they allow video creators to monetize in 2 ways:

  • The Tip Jar – This is a donation-based system. If someone likes your video, they can donate to support your efforts. Include calls-to-action for best results.
  • Video On Demand – Video creators can lock access to premium videos. You can charge as much or as little as you want to grant access.
  • As with YouTube and every other platform mentioned here, you should aim to build your customer base: include calls-to-action in your videos, in the descriptions, and so on.

Instagram – Instagram isn’t just for photos. You can create short videos that autoplay when they show up in users’ feeds.

Things to consider:
  • You can’t include hyperlinks in descriptions or videos. If you want to send people off-site to buy a product or sign up for something, you’ll need to be creative. Use videos that sell. They should contain benefits of the product or service, calls-to-action, domain names to visit, and so on.
  • These videos can be anything you want: free commercials, testimonials, product reviews, etc. Instagram videos, like YouTube, are free. You can create whatever format you wish to sell your products, promote your business, and so on.
  • Instagram videos are meant to be short and sweet. Many of these newer video platforms cater to short-attention-span customers. The videos must be 3 to 15 seconds long, so design with that in mind. Consider creating a series of videos if you have a longer story to tell.

Vine – Vine is Twitter’s social, micro-vlogging platform. Each video can only be 6 seconds long. So be creative:

  • Use product placement. Brands have been doing this for some time now: placing their own products inside viral Vine videos, rather than creating 6-second commercials.
  • Tell multi-part stories. Combine several videos together to tell stories, create longer advertisements, and so on.
  • Connect accounts and drive traffic. As usual, you should be connecting Vine’s video service to your other social media accounts, your website, and so on.

Twitter – Twitter now supports video hosting. Like Facebook,

  •  Twitter has decided to take on YouTube with its own native video platform.
  • This video player will allow you to host videos up to 10 minutes long.

Amazon – Amazon is a retailer, right? Yes, which makes it the perfect place to sell on-demand videos.

  • The site’s built-in audience is always searching for products to buy, so if you have premium quality videos that you want to charge for, you should be uploading them to Amazon.

Google Play – Google Play isn’t just for apps. You can upload everything from videos to music, books, and magazines.

Like Amazon, Google Play is ideally suited for people who want to sell their videos for a profit.

Other Video Monetization Platforms – There are plenty of other platforms out there,
such as
Biggest Video Ad networks for advertising - HULU

But these have tiny market shares compared to the major networks listed above.

If you have additional resources, then you may consider exploring a few, but their ROI won’t have the same potential as the bigger video monetization platforms.

And the other platforms that generate lots and lots of traffic tend to be highly specialized. Twitch, for instance, only caters to gamers. NicoNico, hugely popular in Japan, only caters to Japanese people.

The video will always be one of the best marketing strategies online. And despite its massive popularity, it still remains underutilized by many marketers and businesses.


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